Font ··········· Suisse Int’l, WestBubblegum
Medium ········· Digital & Print 40*10cm
Illustration ··· Ludwig Pfeiffer
Year ··········· 2020

Badebuddies is a font snack cooked in the kitchen during the quarantine time:

Isolation at home ...
Long gaze at the cake mould - use it to make two round cakes.
Two round cakes can form a letter B.
Fill the letter with air to make the Badebuddies,
a swimming ring for two bodies.

Badebuddies ist ein Schwimmring für zwei Personen.
Badebuddies bietet Gelegenheiten für Paare oder
beste Freunde auch im Pool das Glück Erlebnisse zu
teilen. Raus aus der Isolation zu Hause rein in den
gemeinsamen Badespaß der Weltmeere!

Badebuddies is a swimming ring for two people.
Badebuddies offers opportunities for couples or best friends to share the happiness experiences even in the pool.
Get out of isolation at home and into the shared fun of the oceans!